Nothing (Poem)

Looking in the mirror 
I see nothing 
Looking out the window 
I see nothing 
Looking at the world 
I see nothing 
I see nothing because of you 
The man who forced him self apon me
Who stole my innocence 
The blood poured 
From when my purity was stolen 
The scars I now bare 
To fight back your monstrosity 
But I am seen as nothing 
By no court of law 
For your disgrace is justified 
Because I was not a “victim”
I “had it coming”
Because the clothing on my back
For the way “I asked for it”
Or I didn’t say NO
I wore a sweater to keep me warm
I smiled to be polite 
I didn’t say no because you held my mouth shut
But no I am still nothing 
Because I see you walking free
And will always be nothing because 
Rape in this country is just a joke


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