Saving myself or saving you?

“Do you understand how rare it is to get a chance to save someone?” ~ Garth Risk Hallberg. Save yourself before you save another. To many broken hearts trying to repair one another. Being a person who’s gone through a lot and suffered the cost I’m still learning what it is to live. With my recent struggles with my mental and physical health I take this to heart. Not only have I been learning but a young man has taught me a lot. To save someone is not a physical action necessary it is an act of the heart for someone you truly care for. It can hurt but can also bring a lot of joy. Full disclosure (yes this is the internet where nothing dies) I’ve written of my suicide attempts and struggles that have shaped me into who I’m still becoming, but the lesson of salvation is not easy. (Not the religious type of salvation) But what I call my salvation is when I finally looked in a mirror so angry and emotional tired of this craving to hurt myself or wishing for death. No to mention a boy (when I first met him) now a man crying begging me to stay. A man who has been through many different challenges also wants nothing more than to save me....? I wanted nothing more then to save him from myself pushing him away. (Still struggling with this to this day) He truly has saved me on many rough days and nights but his biggest “score” was teaching me to love and save myself. Once I did that (STILL AM!) I could except the fact that fighting for someone giving your all to save someone else is the ultimate love and it so extremely rare. We saved each other and ourselves through our journeys together and apart. But just remember if you haven’t found your person yet don’t worry save yourself for one the moments right you be there to catch them when they fall for you ❤️ 


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